Each project is designed for both mission-based impact and our learning. We work collaboratively and in a wide range of forms and settings. We especially love projects that explore key topics in adoption in unique ways, and experiment with how museums can affect social change. While we are committed to working in physical space, we look for opportunities to extend the work online. Over time, our projects will demonstrate some of the possibilities for a museum dedicated to adoption. That museum will co-exist with continued partner work in other venues.
Would you like to suggest a project idea or work together? Please get in touch:
History Initiative
CAC 2018
Arts + Advocacy: Citizenship for All Adoptees
Conjuring Other Ways Home: Writing on Black Adoption
Field Trips
Operation Babylift: Perspectives and Legacies
Operation Babylift Exhibition: Public Programs
Mapping Adoption
Our Place at the Table: Honoring Birth Mother Stories
Making Mothers Visible
Think Tank
Film Spark
Khoya (Lost)